We had a Euchre party on Thursday, what's that you ask? Canadian card game, obviously. I had to arrive early for the "training session". I didn't win the cash prize, shocking. We also had the creek relay this weekend; it was interesting to say the least. My driving and tolerance for frustration were proof positive that I wouldn't necessarily be the best partner on the Amazing Race. We were lost and I refused to do a U-turn because it was illegal, I think Jess's comment was something like, you want me to get out of the car and drive? The run was put on by the Hash Harriers, which is this drinking/running club that is all over the world. The prize ceremony included people drinking beer from their shoes. We went to Barasti to celebrate.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I'll be home three weeks from Thursday...
Why does that sound so much better that I'll be home in about 4 weeks?
We had a Euchre party on Thursday, what's that you ask? Canadian card game, obviously. I had to arrive early for the "training session". I didn't win the cash prize, shocking. We also had the creek relay this weekend; it was interesting to say the least. My driving and tolerance for frustration were proof positive that I wouldn't necessarily be the best partner on the Amazing Race. We were lost and I refused to do a U-turn because it was illegal, I think Jess's comment was something like, you want me to get out of the car and drive? The run was put on by the Hash Harriers, which is this drinking/running club that is all over the world. The prize ceremony included people drinking beer from their shoes. We went to Barasti to celebrate.

I've apparently been attempting to burn down my apartment building. First, last night I made the decision that I would run out "real quick" and move my car from the school parking lot to the parking garage with the gas stove on (it was at least just "simmering"). Needless to say that was a poor choice. I was stuck in traffic without my phone convinced the building was going to burn down and since the alarm goes off all the time we have all just started to ignore it. Fortunately that did not happen. Then I'm sitting at work this morning and I get this text message from Christine, did I mention that I finally hired someone to mop my floors? So anyways this is the message that I get "Madam i almost finish when i smell something that comes from electrical, ur iron in ur hair is still on. I take the plug madam." What is wrong with me? Apparently I just don't learn, my mom used to get mad because I did the same thing when I was growing up. If I remember right, she just took the curling iron away, I hope Christine didn't do that. So, work, I just found out the other counselor that has been in the states for a couple weeks dealing with some family things is not planning on coming back until March 8th at the earliest. I would be doing the same thing if I were her, but I'm going a bit crazy trying to do both our jobs when I can't even keep up with my own! I've also been in contact with the new E.S. counselor, it's hard to give an objective view of this place. She probably thinks I'm crazy.
We had a Euchre party on Thursday, what's that you ask? Canadian card game, obviously. I had to arrive early for the "training session". I didn't win the cash prize, shocking. We also had the creek relay this weekend; it was interesting to say the least. My driving and tolerance for frustration were proof positive that I wouldn't necessarily be the best partner on the Amazing Race. We were lost and I refused to do a U-turn because it was illegal, I think Jess's comment was something like, you want me to get out of the car and drive? The run was put on by the Hash Harriers, which is this drinking/running club that is all over the world. The prize ceremony included people drinking beer from their shoes. We went to Barasti to celebrate.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A week in this thing I call life...
Where to begin.... the last week or so has flown by! Four of us did the RAK Half Marathon last weekend. As you can see, it was a typical race. I'm not sure how well you can see it in the pictures, but these men from Oman were playing bagpipes. Seriously? It truly was the most random finish line ever!

The work week was fine. I have to constantly remind myself that, it is what it is and there's not a thing I can do to make it in any better. At some point, you just have to give up. In a meeting with my bosses boss, he asked how I was doing and I compared my feelings towards my job to a baby in an orphanage, they don't stop crying because they are no longer hungry, tired, uncomfortabl
e or have had all their basic needs met; instead, it is because they have given up. That's the point I am with my current work situation. At some point you just have to let it go and move on, definitely not my area of strength. We did take a break and head to a happy hour at the Rooftop Bar at the One and Only Royal Mirage; it was definitely a good time!
Fortunately, the rest of my life is pretty great. On Valentine's Day a bunch of us went to a friend's apartment and ate great food, sat around talking and when I left at 9:00 to watch two new episodes of Lost, they had this big calendar out and were attempting to coordinate a bunch of different activities, outings, parties and events that we all "should" do. It got a little overwhelming! I did another race the following morning. For some dumb reason I decided to meet early and do an extra 5 - 8 kilometers with my running group before we caravaned over to the 10 mile race. So, the race didn't start until 9:00 and when we got there we figured out that it was actually four loops through this park. The race itself was hilly, hot and really not that fun. Next week we have the Creek Relay, it should be better, but really hot.
When I got home, some of my friends were heading to the Hatta Pools, which is an hour or two away. They waited while I got ready and we headed out. It was a great day trip. On the way there, we had to pull over because there was a camel in the middle of the road.

Somehow we ended up at the Hatta Dam.
We drove circles through the large town of Hatta, sense the sarcasm..., and eventually found th
e Hatta Pools, we realized the Toyota Echo was not likely to be able to handle the 

roads, so we just hopped into a 4 x 4 of some random German guy that drove by. Even as we were doing it, I was thinking, this is probably not the best idea, but we came so far... It worked out fine and we had an amazing time hiking around the pools, taking photos, sitting and talking and then just sort of staring at how beautiful it was. On the drive back we found out that some friends of ours got engaged and were having some people over that night, and earlier in the week a girlfriend of mine had made me "pinkie swear" that I would go to a karaoke bar.
We attempted to introduce some country into the lineup; it was interesting, to say the least. We stayed out ridiculously late, but when we finally did
make it home at 3:00 in the morning we were already planning out our next day, Lime Tree Cafe and Russian Beach. The next morning we got up at
9:30ish, did the usual text message planning conference and decided we would meet in the parking garage at 10:15. After a relaxing two hour meal at Lime Tree (which is a ridiculous amount of time for us to have chosen to stay) we ran across the street, hopped the fence in the middle, and set up all our stuff at Russian Beach. The lifeguards there are hilarious. Fully clothed men are not allowed to just walk around the beach, if they try the lifeguards will stare, whistle and wave them off. There is some sort of rule against cameras too. I spent the majority of the day working on my tan and reading a mindless novel. I did stop doing that long enough to sing a few words of a song to every person who I knew in attempt to figure out who sang it. Eventually it was figured out. Good thing too, I mean how could I possibly have slept without knowing the artist... I added some more photos...http://picasaweb.google.com/lnrivera76

The work week was fine. I have to constantly remind myself that, it is what it is and there's not a thing I can do to make it in any better. At some point, you just have to give up. In a meeting with my bosses boss, he asked how I was doing and I compared my feelings towards my job to a baby in an orphanage, they don't stop crying because they are no longer hungry, tired, uncomfortabl
Fortunately, the rest of my life is pretty great. On Valentine's Day a bunch of us went to a friend's apartment and ate great food, sat around talking and when I left at 9:00 to watch two new episodes of Lost, they had this big calendar out and were attempting to coordinate a bunch of different activities, outings, parties and events that we all "should" do. It got a little overwhelming! I did another race the following morning. For some dumb reason I decided to meet early and do an extra 5 - 8 kilometers with my running group before we caravaned over to the 10 mile race. So, the race didn't start until 9:00 and when we got there we figured out that it was actually four loops through this park. The race itself was hilly, hot and really not that fun. Next week we have the Creek Relay, it should be better, but really hot.
When I got home, some of my friends were heading to the Hatta Pools, which is an hour or two away. They waited while I got ready and we headed out. It was a great day trip. On the way there, we had to pull over because there was a camel in the middle of the road.
Somehow we ended up at the Hatta Dam.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Out of order....
I was just looking and realized I never wrote about the Dubai Desert Classic. It was great, I spent two days at the tournament, had the opportunity to be less than two feet from the players. Even heard Tiger swear under his breath and scream Fore! when he had a bad shot at the 6th hole on the final day. On Saturday a couple girlfriends and I walked part of the course and then sat in the grandstands and jumped around watching the players we'd heard of tee off and putt in, it was amazing! Then, on Sunday, I took a day off work and went with another friend who was able to get us into one of the hospitality suites, we had a great day that somehow turned into a very long night. Sporting events in Dubai are amazing, tickets are accessible to the general public and really reasonably priced. Earlier this year we went to a great soccer game, then this tournament, in March we have tickets to the Men's tennis finals and then the end of March is the World Cup Horse Race. It would be hard to be bored here! Between that and all the races I've signed up for, I think my next free weekend is in April. I hear that's when it gets hot again. Fun.
Too much to ask?
Just got home from the RAK half marathon; it went well. Well, not that great actually. Four of us met in the lobby at 5:00, met up with some friends from our running group and headed out to RAK (another Emirate). I was driving and the people we were following were race car drivers, so I was trying to keep up and getting nervous. Then, once you hit a certain speed, the car starts beeping at you to remind you that you are driving too fast. It was like a constant reminder that I was breaking the law, which if anyone knows how slow I drive, is not normally a problem. Anyways, we drive for a little over an hour, I'm feeling sick and I get there and am throwing up in the bathroom (makeshift portable things). Great. So, that was fun, then the race starts and I feel ok, it's actually beautiful and they're blaring some great 80's music. Then midway through I'm just on the side of the road getting sick again, people were staring. Oh well, it's over and I somehow managed to beat my December half time, so that was good. We stayed and watched some of the runners finish and the awards ceremony and took some photos, I'll try to get them posted this week. I got home and all I wanted was a hot shower and to sit and relax. Of course, the hot water lasted about 32 seconds. Seriously?
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