Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Better day...

Apparently yesterday was just a bad day. Still can't wait to get home, but am not feeling quite so crazed this morning. I sorted out a thing or two last night and somehow didn't feel like throwing myself off a crane this morning. I got quite a laugh about something that wasn't really funny this morning to start my day. A friend of mine comes into my office and explains, long story short, that her son and another boy were talking after school yesterday and one boy said to the other, I'm sure I'll mess this up, but you'll get the general idea... If somebody knocked over your stuff would you be sad? The other kid said yes, or whatever, then the kid says, would you be so sad that you would take a gun and shoot yourself dead forever? I'm sure my friend, the mom, probably nearly had a heart attack. I'm not real sure what happened, admin is looking into it, but apparently in art they were learning about Vincent Van Gogh. Did I mention the kids are 5?

Tonight is our last soccer game, sad. We're going to go early and watch the Australian team practice. Apparently their is a world cup qualifier match Iraq v. Australia on Saturday night, we've been trying everything we can think of to figure out how to get tickets, no luck. It's driving me crazy because I'd really like to go!

1 comment:

VB said...

Was simply curious. What happened on the Princess' problem?

Know what, if you had called into Dr, Marsha Fieldstone's program, you'd be Disappointed in Dubai :)