I had the best time in Whistler and Vancouver! I love the idea of getting up early, going for long runs, then deciding between the pool or walking around the village, I mean, the options really are endless! Soy latte before the skate park? or after? I can't remember if I wrote this already or not, but, while I am LOVING being home and up in Canada, but there is a part of me that is ready to not be living out of a suitcase and eating out for every meal...
Village Stroll
Mom riding up the Gondola
View from the top
View from our hotel room

Village stroll, again...
I was a bit hesitant about my time up in Canada, I felt like it was taking away time from friends and family that I wanted to see in OR, WA and CA, and it did, I missed out on my CA trip, but thing is, if I had to be out of the US, there isn't a better place than Whistler and Vancouver with my family! I wish I could post the pictures of my family. The kids were unbelievably cute and I feel so lucky that my whole family took the time and spent their money to hang out with me!
Michael and I stayed a few days up in Vancouver after my sister and her family left. We walked, a lot, ate some great sushi, hiked up Grouse Mtn (way harder than I thought it was going to be) and just basically hung out. Did I already talk about Michael's feet? It was the most hilarious thing ever, well to me anyways... we literally walked between 12 - 15 miles every day. Somehow, Michael's feet got all hot and sweaty and gross and sweat and dust combined and pooled into little puddles of black between his toes, it was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen and he was kind of freaking out. I laughed, as all good sisters would.
My mom planned a family dinner for us the night we got back, which was awesome to see everyone at once. My cousin's little boy was so cute, I hadn't seen him since March, he's the same age as Dane and they just change so much! I also went and saw my dad a couple times, he was pretty hilarious. It was really good to see him.
Today Linds came out from HR, we hung out, went shopping, out to dinner, it was great! Tomorrow I'm heading out to the Willamette Valley for a day of wine tasting. The idea is that we'll BBQ at Katie's that night, but we'll see how motivated we are after a day of "tasting"...
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