Friday, October 17, 2008

Random update...

I thought work would seem really long now that Ramadan hours are over and we are working full weeks for a while, but not to worry time is still flying by! I started tutoring about 8 hours a week, soccer games have started, had a fall party and ran a 10k in the last week or so. It's been busy, but good. As per usual, had a bad week at work. I love kids, love being a school counselor yet somehow it just never works out the way it should here. 

Soccer, we've had two games and won them both. I scored a few goals which was fun, but also missed a penalty kick, I really did pretty much kick it directly at the keeper. Annoying. It is ridiculously hot and humid some days and then cool other days. Of course, cool now means in the 90's. It's great fun, but our practices switched to Saturday night, which is fine, but annoying because it means every day of the week I have something I have to do. Once I get there, it's always great, but Saturdays are just tough!

The weather has cooled off enough to lay by the pool, but not enough to be at the beach, the water is still HOT, not warm, uncomfortably hot. I didn't even realize that was possible until I moved here. We did lay by the pool last weekend. We were going to do that in the morning and then run some errands and go to this art show in the afternoon, instead we ended up drinking all day and then heading over to our friends birthday party and then out to a dance club, definitely not what I typically do, but it was fun! I have some great pictures I'll try to post. Later that week, a few of us went to an art gallery thing with champagne and snacks, it was a different side of Dubai, and fun!

The fall party was great. We had really good soups (thanks to cooking light), fondue, mulled wine, hot spiced cider, delicious breads and pies. Our apartments are not set up for large groups, but we managed. Witches, bats, tombstones and other Halloween items were deemed "culturally insensitive" so a friend of mine gave me a bunch of things that were going to be used in her classroom to decorate with, so that was fun. 

Running, let's see, it's been going pretty well. A group of us are still going to Safa Park three or four times a week in the mornings before work and my long runs are pretty long, I did 20+ miles last weekend, and did a 6 mile run before the 10k race this morning, but I'll have to be back up at 20+ next weekend. The race was really fun. Four of us did it and then went to breakfast afterwards. We went to JBR, this area where there are these tall apartment buildings and they are in process (just like everything in Dubai) of opening restaurants, coffee shops and retail stores. We found a great place and it was even cool enough to sit outside and eat our breakfast, although we were basically being attacked by flies. I was cracking up because I never go out on Thursdays because of running and last night it was a 5:00 girls night/happy hour. I thought, perfect! I'll just go for a bit and get home early. Right. I think we got in a cab around 11:45. Oh well, I guess it was fine because I had a great race. 

Today I'm just hanging out and waiting for Kristin and Hans, I work with their parents and they were on my flight over last year when I arrived, to make cookies. It will be fun, they are some of the cutest kids ever! A bunch of us are going to the Irish Village tonight to watch a bunch of bands, including Arrested Development. Seriously? Oh well, it should be fun. I'm hoping the weather isn't horrific. I think I'm getting sick too, how does one get a cold with weather like this?

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