Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008, Dubai Style
Girl's night at Oscar's Wine Bar...
Becky, Kate, Robin, Susan and I enjoyed free tastes, which of course led to three bottles and then we had to get one more quick glass before we headed off to Barasti to meet some friends who had just played in a beach volleyball game.
Good thing we went all the way to Barasti to meet our friends; we went straight to the lounge chairs, just like usual.
Kate is really thinking hard about, you know, life.
What is going on there....?
Kate and I before we decided shots were the best possible option. Or wait, was opening two bottles of wine when we got home the best option?
Rugby 7's... I had no idea what to it was going to be like, so in typical Dubai style, I expected nothing. It was way better than that! About 50+ of us loaded onto two school buses at 8:30 in the morning and headed out to the new Rugby stadium. We watched some Rugby, drank a bit, talked a lot, ate all kinds of terrible food and the night ended with random dancing...
Go team DAA... Dale, Shane and Clive ready for the day...
Clive, Kim and I just getting started.
Jenny and Steph ready for the day!
Who says the photo doesn't count if you ask for it?
Another rough day...
That's right, we're here to watch rugby.
One of the guys I work with played on one of the Dubai teams.
Becky and I watching another guy from work playing.
What is it with Jacob's Creek in Dubai?
April and Jenny, somehow day turned into night.
Jenny, Heather and I relaxing on the hill...
Apparently, we still do that...
Sad, check out how awful the stands look.
Grant, dancing the night away. Wait, what about the game?
And that's how the night ended...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Movin on up...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Here comes the rain again...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bronchitis, again.
On a brighter note... my search file is activated, a few schools have contacted me and I've contacted a few that I'm interested in. I also have my first interview tomorrow morning. It's for one of the schools I'd love to work for, but I'm not sure about the location. I also expressed interest in a school in Zurich and one in Prague, although, the one in Prague is only possible openings. I was also contacted by ISB, one of the schools I interviewed with last time. It's exciting and nerve wrecking all at once. I really wish I could just fast forward to see where I'm going to end up. The idea of going home is actually pretty appealing too...
We'll see. For now, I'd just like this whole bronchitis thing to hurry up and be over because I am tired. Tired of being tired. And, I need to be getting ready for the marathon, it's soon!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Brunch, Barasti, Blue Bar, Bed.
Monday, November 3, 2008
You know you've been in the Middle East too long when...
- You need a sweater when it's 40 degrees Celsius
- Your idea of housework is leaving a list for the houseboy
- You believe that speed limits are only advisory
- You believe that the definition of a nanosecond is the time interval between the time the light turns green and the time that the guy behind you begins to blow his horn
- You expect all stores to stay open till midnight
- You understand that 'wadi bashing' isn't a criminal act
- You make left turns from the far right lane
- You think it perfectly normal to have a picnic in the middle of a round-about at 11pm
- You never say Saturday instead of Friday or Sunday instead of Saturday anymore
- You accept that there is no point in asking why you are not allowed to do something
- You carry 12 passport size photos around with you just in case
- Phrases like 'potato peeler', 'dish washer', 'coffee maker' and 'fly swatter' are no longer household items but are actually job titles
- You start to say 'Insha'allah' when you actually mean 'No f**king chance!'
- Problem with your car AC or horn is more serious to you than a problem with the brakes
And... that's my life. Week was busy, as they all are, of course work, random... Big boss resigned on Thursday, can't figure out what I do all day, but nothing ever gets done and then I became obsessive about the bulletin board. Weekend was good, went over to some friends for dinner on Thursday, got heat stroke (self diagnosed via the internet) during this crazy training run on this island out near Abu Dhabi, went to a really fun birthday dinner for Halloween, where at one point I said something along the lines of..."I used to have shoes on." I'm just so responsible. Spent half of Saturday driving all over town trying to go to breakfast, then soccer. Same old thing really. Now, another week... a few of us girls are going to a Champagne tasting tomorrow night and then an election party... I'm crossing my fingers!