Monday, November 3, 2008

You know you've been in the Middle East too long when...

Forward e-mails are so annoying, yet sometimes we just have to do it... Someone passed this along, I condensed it down to my favorites...

  • You need a sweater when it's 40 degrees Celsius
  • Your idea of housework is leaving a list for the houseboy
  • You believe that speed limits are only advisory
  • You believe that the definition of a nanosecond is the time interval between the time the light turns green and the time that the guy behind you begins to blow his horn
  • You expect all stores to stay open till midnight
  • You understand that 'wadi bashing' isn't a criminal act
  • You make left turns from the far right lane
  • You think it perfectly normal to have a picnic in the middle of a round-about at 11pm
  • You never say Saturday instead of Friday or Sunday instead of Saturday anymore
  • You accept that there is no point in asking why you are not allowed to do something
  • You carry 12 passport size photos around with you just in case
  • Phrases like 'potato peeler', 'dish washer', 'coffee maker' and 'fly swatter' are no longer household items but are actually job titles
  • You start to say 'Insha'allah' when you actually mean 'No f**king chance!'
  • Problem with your car AC or horn is more serious to you than a problem with the brakes

And... that's my life. Week was busy, as they all are, of course work, random... Big boss resigned on Thursday, can't figure out what I do all day, but nothing ever gets done and then I became obsessive about the bulletin board. Weekend was good, went over to some friends for dinner on Thursday, got heat stroke (self diagnosed via the internet) during this crazy training run on this island out near Abu Dhabi, went to a really fun birthday dinner for Halloween, where at one point I said something along the lines of..."I used to have shoes on." I'm just so responsible. Spent half of Saturday driving all over town trying to go to breakfast, then soccer. Same old thing really. Now, another week... a few of us girls are going to a Champagne tasting tomorrow night and then an election party... I'm crossing my fingers!

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