This is me at Everest Base Camp

This is all of us... happy we made it!

Katie and Syma taking the final steps towards Base Camp

Gorgeous sunset from the highest place we slept...

One of the beautiful outhouses...

Yes, they are that bundled up... and indoors.

Enjoying our breakfast before day 8 zillion... at least we're on our way down!

Very cool ice fields

Could it be any more beautiful?

Some of the guides, they've all done this a zillion times...

This is INDOORS and it's below zero, this is also at the "lower altitude"
Katie, Syma and I before we crossed the river for a ridiculously steep climb up.

I refused to carry my daypack the last few days because it was too heavy, good thing I wasn't the one responsible for food and drink... they carried this strapped onto their heads...

Another sunset

I have sooo much more to write and I will, eventually! Lots more pictures too. I wanted to write a bit about "authentic travel" for some reason I spent tons of time thinking about how tourists decide what is "authentic" in a country or place they are visiting and then go out in search of it. Is that really seeing a place if we are searching for a specific thing? Or is it just as "authentic" to just be in the place? I know, important things to think about. On a complete side note, I am not a big fan of New Year's and all that goes along with it. It seems like everyone is on a "new plan" of some sort and I don't really have one, should I? Also, lots of people are watching what they eat, and/or eating healthier, which I suppose I should do to... but now I think I am and am craving junk food and think I can't have it because no one else can... weird. There is something wrong with me! I need to go home and make some cookies.
1 comment:
Isn't that BEER that's on that pack? You packing WINE, I can imagine. Packing BEER though... leave that to someone else!! Great photos, even if they are out of order. By the looks of a couple of the photos, you're not as bundled up as much as your travel buddies. Makes you look like you acclimatized just fine and the cold didn't bother you at all. I know better though. I love your narration. It's truly your voice!! Keep the pix comin'!!
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