Friday, August 28, 2009


I can't quite keep up with life right now. I'm running around trying to do about a zillion more things than what I have time to do. I rented a car tonight so I can pick Andrew up at the airport in the morning and as I was driving back into town I was using all my best justification skills to try to figure out a way that I could buy a car... it's completely NOT in my budget and unnecessary, but I sure want one! I was thinking about possibly buying a vespa or something like it in the spring, then I could at least get to/from work without having to sit on gross dirty cloth bus seats. Speaking of budget... our school gives us the option to work with a financial advisor, according to him, I could be out of debt, including the stupid student loans, in less than five years. It makes NO sense to me, but now there's a plan. So, well see how that goes... 

Soccer has been great. The kids are cute and we just decided to have a HUGE team and not do any cuts, which will be interesting when I have 20+ kids and only me for practices. I guess I'll just have to become super strict and organized. Wait, that's already how I am with middle schoolers... 

I can't wait for Andrew to get here tomorrow, I work all day and then we fly out at night to go to Poznan, Poland for the weekend. Fun! I get to add a country to the places I've been...

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