Time is moving way too fast! In many ways I want life to hurry up so I can... fill in the blank... get to SF for Jen's wedding and SEA to see my family, to Dubai for Thanksgiving, to December because my mom's coming, then I realize, wait, life is good now too, slow down! Steph said something the other day like we're just wishing our lives away... I don't want to do that.
Andrew came back into town last week, it was great, we just went to dinner outside right on the river, walked around town, got some ice cream and then happened to wander right into a huge wine festival. Andrew made me order our wine in German. I eventually did it, but got so nervous! Then we walked to my new apartment so I could show it to him. He took a picture of me and it looked like one of those pictures all my friends have been posting of their kid's first day of school. Ha! I left the next morning for the 8th Grade Fall trip, of course I was crying hysterically when I had to say goodbye and then the whole bus ride to school. I'm sure people thought I was crazy. Oh well, for all I know they were all discussing it in German right in front of me...
The fall trip was in Schladming, Austria. It was really great, of course I would have rather been in Vienna with Andrew, but what could I do? We did some hiking, swimming and an indoor ropes course that I was able to complete, but I have the most massive bruise on my arm, I'm not even sure how it got there. All fun, and in my opinion, slightly dangerous... but maybe that's the American in me. It was fun to be around the kids outside of school and also nice to spend some time with the 8th Grade teachers.
I got back on Friday night, Steph and I stayed in and were, shocking, on our computers, drinking wine and just chatting till all hours. It's ridiculous, that is all we do! We got up Saturday morning and had a great day, we went out for sushi and then down to the Naschmarket, met another friend for coffee, walked over to buy a vaccuum and then came home and got ready to go over to a friend's house for a little get together. It was such a fun day/night. The next day we got up and went for a long run in the Prater and then out to a really delicious brunch. I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up, doing laundry, cooking and just sort of hanging out at the house. It was really nice!
Now, it's back to work, soccer and rushed life, this week is open house too. I hired some movers to come move my boxes tomorrow night, I am just now realizing that I'm moving out (sad) to an empty apartment with no internet. I hope it's not torture! I'm going to go try to set up a time to do internet as soon as possible, but a friend of mine just said she had to wait a few weeks! Ahhh!
My weekend schedule is pretty crazy.
Sept 12/13 hiking and hut camping
Sept 18/19 Soccer tournament
Sept 24 - 27 Warsaw, Poland
Oct 3 Budapest (soccer)
Oct 10/11 Graz, half marathon
Oct 22 - 31 SF and Seattle
Nov 12 - 14 Munich (Soccer)
Nov 26 - 30 Dubai
Dec 4 - 19 Mom's visit to Vienna
I'm exhausted just looking at that... I'm going to wake up and it'll be 2010!