Cheers to a fun night out with the girls! I met some friends from GGI out for drinks on a Monday. I know, that is a BIG stretch for me. I rarely drink cocktails and certainly not on Monday nights, but it was a great time! We met at this great place that I wish I would have known about when Steph still lived here, as it was literally on her street. I guess it is probably better that we didn't know.
Time is just flying by, it's hard to believe it is already a third of the way through March. I'm currently busy panicking about a conference I will be presenting at this week. I feel like I have never worked this hard on anything before, but it's just not exactly what I want it to be. I'm sure I am expecting too much and the presentation is probably fine, but I want it to be perfect. I will be super excited when it's over this Friday. The one great thing about the presentation is that it is the same time as my swimming class, so I will have to miss class again this week. So disappointing.
Training has been super hard. I'm still frustrated that the trail runs aren't getting any easier, but I'm hoping that the hard trail running I have been doing will pay off at the end of the month in Paris. I was just looking over the course and it's a 50km trail run, but it is actually 54km. In some ways I just wish it were this weekend so I could get it over with! I am looking forward to seeing Heather and Gail in Paris. I'm sure we'll have fun!
Apparently we are not having a real winter this year, which is great. We have continued to have sunny and almost warm weather. This weekend nine of us went out to Loisium Wine & Spa resort in Südsteiermark. It was amazing! My Mom and I went last summer, and it was great, and it was just as fun the second time around!

It was clearly an awesome weekend. When we booked this weekend back in November we had NO idea that we would literally be able to lay out in swimsuits in March. Honestly, it was shocking! Along with lounging around the pool, we did some wine tasting, spa treatments, trespassing/hiking, running and ate some delicious meals. All in all, could not have asked for a better weekend! Feeling pretty lucky about the life I have! But, today, also a bit sad that this week is my niece's birthday and I won't get to see her. I just wish Vienna and the U.S. of A. were a bit closer!
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