Sunday, October 18, 2009

So late...

I'm not sure when it all changed, but somehow, I now stay up till all hours of the night. What's annoying is that I still get up ridiculously early. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I have no curtains. 

Today was a random day, I went for a quick run then banned myself from the internet until I got a few things done around the house.  I was missing Dubai, so I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, my usual Friday cleaning outfit. So... I quickly cleaned, did laundry, had a latte, you know, the usual. I had to run down to the store, it's right below me, and get a few things, I must have looked like the neighborhood crazy lady, everyone else was bundled up in scarves, hats and gloves and I was half dressed. 

Peter came over and dropped off a mattress, couch and took Steph and I to IKEA. SO nice! I have no idea why he decided to come help me with all this, but I really needed it! I just was not able to pull it together enough to get anything done, and he didn't really leave it as a choice. He just told me what was happening and where I needed to be and at what time, apparently that's what I needed. 

Tomorrow I plan on spending the day putting together my new IKEA furniture and... going out with a random Austrian guy; I am realizing how fast I talk and how much I use sarcasm... which is often lost on people with English as a second language. Ha! I hope I don't freak out and run away from him at some point. He's a consultant and travels a ton for work... sound familiar? What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...?

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