Just trying to catch up with some photos! I'll start with Graz... Cute city where we did the half marathon in October.
Steph, Bridget, Ciara and Andrew after we walked up a zillion stairs to get to this lookout point with a huge clock tower.
For some reason I loved this picture.
This was a typical pre race Greek dinner, who knew that was a good idea! The wine was delicious also. I wonder why I didn't get my personal best the next morning...
Perfect pre race breakfast; I ate tons of delicious cheese, bread and coffee.
Bridget and I celebrating our finish.
Anika was our expert champagne opener... I think we had about 4 bottles? and then some wine? It really reminded me a bit of my Gonzaga in Florence years, only we had glass bottles of wine/champagne vs. the boxes we drank in college.
A few pictures from my birthday dinner... It was great, we went out for pizza at this place right around the corner from me that I LOVE.
I arrived into SF and my friend Anna picked me up. We went out to dinner with her husband at a great little French place right around the corner from their house, where I was staying. I got up the next morning, went on an awesome run to Golden Gate Park and then the wedding festivities started. The weather could not have been nicer and the entire wedding was fun! We started out with a bridesmaid lunch, nails, cupcakes, rehearsal (where I thought the church lady was actually going to KILL JB (Jen's husband) for touching some really famous something or other, she was actually a scary lady), rehearsal dinner and then out to some bar. All of the people I met were SO great! The next day we got ready in Jen's hotel room, got our hair and makeup done, ate a champagne lunch, took photos, did the whole wedding in a church thing, rode around in trolleys and then back to the hotel for the reception. Great people, food, conversation, drinks, location, everything about it was perfect! I feel so fortunate that I was able to fly back for it!
Right near where they were filming Trauma...
Bridesmaid lunch
Jen and I at the rehearsal dinner.
Right before we got in the limo!
College roommates, 10+ years later!
Anna, Jason and I went hiking in the Marin Headlands the day after Jen's wedding. I can't believe I've never been there before! After we went and had some wine and snacks, fun!
Kristin and I at the Nordstrom cafe before they took me to the airport. It was SUCH a fun time with her family! I was able to speak at Gavin's school about Vienna, go to his Halloween party, attend a Gold Card lunch with Ella at her school and then go to a harvest fest at a church with them in their Halloween outfits. We also had lots of time to do nothing, drink coffee, play games, go on walks, just do normal everyday life things. Gavin and I also went on a run, it was so cute, he seemed really, really excited about the whole thing and we went all the way to the golf course! Which is a really long ways for him!
Ok, so on to creepy hotel... This is the hotel we stayed at for our SCIS tournament. I coached Middle School Girls Soccer this year and it was pretty fun. I think I'd like to do it again next year, but we'll see I guess. Anyways, back to the hotel. First, it is in the absolute middle of NOWHERE. Not near the school, not near public transport, not in Munich, just in this random area somewhere near the airport... In addition to crazy location, there is scuba diving, the smell of chlorine, naked people (what is it with Europe and naked people?!), overpriced food and wine, weird slanty rooms, uh, what else. Titanic posters on the walls and an underwater theme. Freakish. But, I did meet some really nice people. Steph was there with her team, which made it more fun. Then, when we were out the first night, one of the coaches mentioned that he was going to a wine tasting the following night. Steph and I basically invited ourselves along. Which I am SO glad we did, because it was literally exactly what I like to do. Only, it was in German. We tried tons of white and red wines and eventually drank a few bottles of red. It was just nice to be out and have people talk to us and drink wine and eat snacks... sounds just about right!
Look at that, you can watch people get certified while you are having a drink. Not strange at all!
My FAVORITE thing to do! I know, I work in schools, I'm supposed to say how much I love to read... but really wine, snacks, friends? What else is there in life?
Isn't it beautiful! When I got off the U Bahn Saturday night after our REALLY fun train ride home with all the soccer kids from both of our schools... there were a million people out and about and everyone just looked so happy! I texted Steph that we were going the following day, and we did! Wandering around the Christmas markets, drinking gluhwein and eating pretzels or spiced nuts, I really can't think of a better way to spend the next 6 weeks!
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