Monday, March 29, 2010

Choices...and settling...

We all make them, some are good, some aren't so good. All day I sit and talk with students, parents, teachers, friends and I always feel like I'm saying everything is a choice, and with the choice you make there is a consequence. And, not making a choice is, in itself, a choice. At work I have to be really careful not to use the word punishment and instead say consequence. Somehow consequences always seem bad, but can't they be good too? I mean, if you make a good choice then you get a good consequence, right? I made a few not so great choices recently and it's funny, because somehow, when you only have yourself to blame, it just kind of, is what it is, and there's nothing you can do but move on and keep on going, right?

I've been talking to a friend of mine who hates where he lives, but has stayed for years and years because the job is fine and the life is easy, but not good. Settling... So why does it seem we often let fine be good enough? It seems like everyone sort of lives at this ok level and lately it seems like many people I talk to keep saying the same thing, there has to be something more than this, right? I know that I personally find it especially annoying because my life is good, but I'm always just waiting for the next best thing. Work for instance, a big part of my plan was to eventually get to the point where I could afford to work and live in Western Europe. I had this idea that I would have to go to Dubai, then another big school in Asia somewhere, save a ton of money and then come to Europe. Fortunately, or so I thought, I found a great job that pays well and skipped the big school in Asia part, but now that I'm here, I'm thinking really? This is what I wanted. Sure, it's great, good people, tons of travel, lots of fun times but what else is there? And, it's not even like I'm miserable, I just think I should be happier than I am. And, I'm pretty happy.

Last night I went out to dinner with a group of people, one of the girls was visiting a friend of mine and she is currently living in Portland. It made me SO homesick, I couldn't stop thinking about all the people, places and ease of life that I miss so much. But, when I really think about it, I know I would go crazy at home and be so bored and so broke.

Settling... another word than often has a negative feel to it. People talk about settling in terms of relationships, jobs, all kinds of different things. But sometimes settling means you know what to expect, it may not be great, but it's not scary, it's not the unknown. There are many a time that I sit with a glass of wine and a girlfriend or two and talk about whether or not it's a good idea to settle, at the end of the day for myself, I'd say no. But, the more I think about it, the more I can understand why someone would make the choice to "settle" and just like how maybe consequences aren't alwyas bad, maybe, for some people, settling isn't always bad either.

Monday, March 22, 2010


So I have finally had a few good runs! Saturday was great, Steph happened to wake up early, so she did the first hour and a half with me, then the next hour and a half was with the rest of the group. And, at the end, I felt good, not exhausted and irritated. I'm wondering a little bit if the weather has something to do with it. The rest of the week was good, went to Steph's and ate some dinner and watched the Bachelor a few different nights, stayed in and caught up on some US tv and watched Gonzaga get crushed by Syaracuse... sad. Saturday was a great day, we ran, it was sunny, met at the naschmarkt for Dr. Falafel and then Steph and I bought those little ramkin things and made chocolate molten lava cakes. DELICIOUS. It tasted as good as they do in the restaurants. We have about 5 more recipes to make and then we will figure out which is the best one... fun, right?

Managed to get lost this morning on my run. I thought I would head over near the Prater and come back through the third district. Problem is, I have no idea how to navigate through that area and ended up who knows where. I eventually found a tram line I could follow back to the ring and managed to get to work without being late. Barely.

This is my first week without German class, I couldn't be more excited about the prospect of doing NOTHING after work every night this week. YEAH!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just another week in paradise…

Well, not exactly, but things are going well. Running is still pretty terrible, just need to slow it down I think. Ran into Anika this morning running around the ring at 6:15, or so, that made for a nice distraction. German classes are over tonight, which I am both really excited about and a little disappointed. But, not so disappointed that I’ll be signing up for the next session. We did all pass though, so that’s good!

A group of us went to Budapest last weekend for Steph’s birthday. I had to laugh because we were sitting in the dining area of the Meridien where we stayed and I looked over at Steph and just said, this just feels right, doesn’t it? And had to laugh, since when did it become normal to be sitting in a 5 star hotel sipping on champagne and ordering endless espressos and eating plates of delicious food. Oh right, since Dubai. Didn’t realize how much I would miss that life, or how normal it felt. Still think my best line ever was one night at the Westin in Dubai after returning from the bathroom and looking over at my friend and telling her… there was no one in there to help me. Still not sure what exactly I thought I needed help with… Ugh. Anyways, I digress. Budapest was such a cool city. We left Friday after work and arrived into Budapest and to our hotel, which was gorgeous and in a great location, by 9:30 or so. We dropped our bags and went to a cool bar called Black and White. It was a great place and people seemed relaxed and spoke English. The next day we had our delicious breakfast and then I was drugged and put onto the hop on hop off bus. Well, I wasn’t actually drugged, but UGH, I hate those things! Oh, I also did my long run, just under 20 miles, I managed to end up on this island thing with a track and toured about the city, it was nice. Then we just walked around a bit, tried out the sauna and steam room at the hotel and then lounged around the hotel and lazily drank some wine, champagne and got ready for Steph’s birthday dinner. We went to this Greek place that was delicious and then to a few other bars. I really liked the feel of Budapest, I don’t think I realized how uptight Vienna is until I get away from it and to a real city. People were nice, bars were fun, people spoke English and it was less expensive than Vienna. Who knew? I guess we’ll just have to go there more often, I have a friend who will be working there next year, maybe it will become our weekend escape…

I made a turtle cake for Steph’s birthday, it was fun to make something new. I need to find more new things to make like that, although, it’s a bit of a challenge with the limited supplies of things that I think should be readily accessible, like chocolate chips, all purpose flour, baking soda etc… I just can’t get used to it! It’s still snowing. Irritating. But, this weekend it may get up into the 60’s… that will be VERY exciting! We’re heading to Rome in a few weeks for an Italian adventure, we have no plans, no idea where we want to go, no hotel reservations oh, and it’s Easter weekend in Rome, I’m sure it won’t be crowded at all. Ha! Whatever, it’ll all work out.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where does the time go!

I keep meaning to write, but then think I want to upload some pictures and get very bored with that idea... it always takes forever. Life has been very busy and fun lately. Let's see. I had a great time with Kristin and Eric! While I would have LOVED to see the kids too, it was a really fun time to just be with the two of them for so long. They got in on Sunday afternoon, we went on a little walking tour and then to Il Sestante for Pizza with some friends of mine. Happy Valentines Day to us!

The next couple of days were filled with as many tourist things we could squeeze in, what was it I called them? Turbo tourists? I think they saw more museums and Vienna sights than I have. But somehow it didn't feel too rushed, we did things like long lunches at Cafe Central, Dr. Falafel at the Naschmarkt and some time just sitting around my house. They also met some of my friends, which is always fun for people to get to see part of your normal life. After a few days in Vienna we went up to Prague for a couple of nights. The train ride there was hilarious. The entire car was empty and Kristin had moved across the aisle and was sitting and reading and out of nowhere this lady came and sat right there. Even though there was a zillion seats. I don't really know what her deal was, she was speaking German, English and just not making a whole lot of sense. Then she would just stare at us. Very weird. When the person came to check tickets, this woman said something about going to Italy. Wrong direction. She ended up getting off at the next stop and just wandered off and got on a different train. Hopefully she eventually made it home...

We arrived into Prague and found our hotel, which was in a perfect location, and then just spent the next couple of days wandering around Prague. It was cool, one of Eric's friends used to live there so we had a whole list of things to do and some restaurant suggestions, which is always really helpful. The dinner we had the first night was SO delicious. Prague is a really beautiful city. One of the days we were in this church and for whatever reason Kristin and I took it as an opportunity to try to figure out our cameras. I think I have just about 8 zillion pictures of the stained glass windows. Very necessary. We walked all over the place and ate tons of good food. One night I tried to order the local hard alcohol, I'm not even sure what it was called and the waiter suggested to make it a long drink with tonic water and lime. I asked if I could have it with soda water and he just simply said NO, that would not be good. And refused to bring it to me. Interesting. The train ride back was fun, we drank some wine and played scrabble. When we got back to Vienna it was sad because it was their last night here. We grabbed a quick dinner at Tin Tan and then they packed. I missed them before they were even gone! I just wish Vienna and University Place were a bit closer, would love to just be able to go there for a long weekend.

The next few weeks were busy too. Between German classes, tutoring, dinner club, running club and Sunday Funday every moment of my life seems to be planned. Speaking of running club... running has been miserable for the last couple of weeks. I used to feel energized when I was finished and lately the runs themselves have felt awful, twice I had to walk home, and at the end I'm exhausted instead of energized. Maybe now I can relate to why some people hate running. If it was like this all the time I'd never go. It is driving me crazy though. I took 5 days off last week and went this weekend, yesterdays long run was okay and today we had a race and it felt pretty good, not great, but good enough. Oh, and it's snowing again. Boo.

Back to Sunday Funday, I hosted last weekend, it was fun. We had good food and everyone had to wear summer clothes, strapless dresses, board shorts, etc. Ciara and Andrew made these really good champagne/sorbet drinks and there were some cold salads and other things that remind us of summer. Oh, I am just dying for it to be warm. On Friday I had decided that I was just going to dress for Spring and wore high heeled open toes shoes, when it started snowing on the walk home I realized it was a bit early. Yesterday after run we went to Cafe de Provence near my house for brunch and then spent the day shopping and wine tasting on Mariahilferstrasse, which was totally fun. Then we decided to meet up for a Dubai type evening with shisha and Middle Eastern food. It was only the third time I've ever tried shisha and there is NO need for me to ever do it again, it made me SO sick. I actually had to leave the restaurant and come home.

Today I had a race, cooked for the week and cleaned. When did I become so boring? I'm trying to catch up on life, just haven't had the time lately during the week to get anything finished. I'm debating about whether or not to take the next German class. While I want to continue, two nights a week for nearly 3 hours is just such a big commitment and once the weather gets nice I know I'm going to want to be outside all the time... I have another week or so to decide. Taxes... I need to put that on my list of things to do... Hopefully I'll get around to adding pictures soon!