Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So, it's been a week or so since I've written, since then I've returned to work, run a marathon and just finished a nice long dinner (surprisingly pizza and wine...) with a girlfriend from work.

First, work. Well, it's work. I would like to just be independently wealthy.

Second, the marathon. Well, all I can really say is I'm happy it's over. I knew I wasn't ready, but it was the worst marathon I've ever done. Not only was it the worst time, I just felt awful during most of it. Instead of feeling energized by running these days, it just feels awful. The time itself, wasn't that bad, but anything that could feel bad or go wrong did. The morning started with me thinking I'd sliced off the tip of my finger. I was trying to cut a roll so I could toast it, turned into a bloody mess. Then, at kilometer 15 my iPod broke, I could still see my time, but the music stopped playing. I was carrying my phone, so I texted Steph and she met me at kilometer 23 or so with her iPod and some water, which I was SO thankful for. Right around the same time, 15 km, my eyes started doing that thing where it goes all tunnel vision and sparkly for a second and then returns to normal, by kilometer 22 or 23 I was starting to have this weird shortness of breath thing that seemed like a panic attack, but I was able to calm myself down. Well, I could go on and on, but you get the idea, it was awful. There were periods of time where it felt ok, but overall, it was bad. The second I finished I was happy though. It was really great to have some friends cheering me on at the finish and then we all went to 1516 for drinks and lunch, then a lazy afternoon at home baking cookies and drinking wine. So all in all, it wasn't a bad day. And, the next day I got up and went on an easy run and was wearing high heels to work, so as far as recovery time goes, I feel just fine.

Dinner... pizza and wine. Good way to relax after a long meeting at work. The weather is starting to get nice again finally. I wore heels and a skirt to work the last couple of days and you would think I had shown up in an evening gown. It's pretty hilarious, all the same clothes I wore to work in Dubai, and here my boss was asking me if I had a job interview. Whatever. It's been interesting lately, we've been having all kinds of interesting conversations about the summer and going home and traveling and how much time and money we spend over the summer and then end up just running around trying to fit it all in. I was mapping out my summer schedule and realized that's what it is, a schedule. I'm trying to fit it all in, time with friends, weddings, time with family, having visitors and also trying to make sure I still take the time to do things I want to do too. I signed up for two running races (even though at the moment the last thing I want to do in the world, is run another race). It's amazing how badly I want to be in two places all the time. I feel like I'm missing out on tons of things at home. I miss my family and friends and being part of peoples daily lives. But, at the same time I know financially I couldn't hardly afford to be a teacher in the U.S., well, I could, but it would involve giving up traveling and working two jobs. When here, in Vienna, I can work only one job, and still be able to travel all over the world. I just got back from Italy, which I loved, and am going to go down to Zagreb in a few weeks to play in a soccer tournament. I definitely couldn't do that if I was home!

Things are going really well in Vienna, I'm happy here. The job is fine, the city is beautiful, I still think the people are pretty lame overall in the city, but I have met great people through work and then friends of friends. I'm starting to feel like this is where I live, I want to go away and travel and see things, but at the same time, I kind of like just normal life stuff. I love my Saturday routine and the fact that the I think the people at Dr. Falafel are my friends and that the guy who is begging for money at the grocery store I live above now just says hi to me... With the weather changing, all the outdoor seating is back and we are starting to hang out at the Naschmarkt again, which I love! We were there last night and I ordered this huge summer spritzer, because you know, I wasn't drinking... I guess I shouldn't feel guilty about being happy, but it's hard not to feel like you're letting people down by not being around. People are marrying people I don't know, my best friends kids have no idea who I am and I"m not entirely sure my youngest nephew knows me. How can you not feel guilty about those things? Maybe it's just the time of year, but I can't wait to get home and see everyone!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Back to reality...

Just got home from pizza and wine at Il Sestante... the best pizza in Vienna, in my opinion anyways. Yesterday I was nearly in tears as the plane touched down in Vienna. I just wasn't ready for my Italian vacation to be over. I could bore you with all the details, or I could just break it down to a few words. Wine. Friends. Food. Sun. Views. Italian Men. Ha! We were sitting at dinner the other night, saying that if you're single and needing an ego boost, Southern Italy is the place to go. I don't even think we could count the number of men that were talking to us, ranging from bus drivers, bartenders, old expats, old Italian men, I mean, we were just loving our wall...

Okay, let me back up a bit. We had last week off work for our April Break. We went down to Rome for Easter Weekend, then headed south hoping for some sun. We went to Positano and Sorrento. The conversations were great, what I love about good friends is that you don't see each other often, or you see each other every day, and still you never run out of things to say. We didn't have much of a plan, so our entire trip was basically wandering around and waiting for it to be time to eat or drink again.

Some highlights... Rome, running in the park, seeing Vatican City decorated for Easter, delicious fried artichoke for desert, endless conversations about all the stereotypical girl things and wandering around cute cobblestone streets and window shopping... We made our way down to Positano where we met a random man, Frank, who's business card said "Adventurer" which I loved, and he suggested an amazing hotel with this huge sitting room with an amazing view. Our first night we were there we were sitting at dinner and I got a text from the guy I'm dating and it just said, I was talking to a guy at the gym today who used to date an American runner who used to live in Dubai, could only be you... I really think that's the kind of stuff that only happens to me. Ha! We went on a hike that caused my legs to shake like crazy after all the steps, we met Misty the mystical dog... amazing views the whole way to the next town. Next, we went back up to Sorrento where we hung out at the wall, were asked out by bus drivers and Steph and Heather both hopped in a random green car for some great photos, even had some free gelato, the way to a girl's heart for sure. Found a great hotel with a view there too, Heather and Steph went to Pompeii and I sat in the sun reading all day. We also found a great bar and they sang some karaoke and had some free drinks and spent some time staring at the best looking Italian man ever. His wife and child were at the bar the night before. I know, a baby, at a bar, normal, right? We did finally have to leave Sorrento and head back to Rome to catch our flight home. We ended up on the same train as my friend Claudia and all decided to have one last night out. She knew of a great wine bar, so we went there, had amazing wine and great food. We also stared at an incredibly good looking Australian guy the whole time. I love vacations.

Eddie picked us up from the airport and Steph and I were both just grumbling about the weather and hating Vienna and, nice guy that Eddie is, he brought us both presents. A bunch of baking supplies we can't get in Vienna, some cream cheese frosting, chocolate chips, saran wrap and ziploc bags. So nice. Who knew that would make us both so happy.

I am desperate for the school year to be over so I can get home! I've been feeling a bit homesick for the U.S. of A these days. Found a great deal on a ticket home, but it means I'll be arriving back to Portland at 12:50 and have a rehearsal dinner that night and a wedding the next day... should be interesting! Can't wait to get home to see friends and family, but, am still loving life abroad too...