Monday, February 28, 2011

Exercise. Eat. Work. Eat. Exercise. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Well, that pretty much sums up my life.

Ha! I keep meaning to write, but get caught up doing who knows what! I decided to buy a ticket to Dubai at the last minute and flew down for a week long escape to the sun. It was very, very necessary! I saw good friends, did some beach camping in Oman, ate Carrot Cake at Lime Tree, went to the beach, kept up with my training and did an all you can... just couldn't resist! Didn't make it to Barasti, or any malls, but I did manage to get in a few massages, a pedicure, you know, the usual Dubai luxury treatments for free.

Life is pretty crazy, well actually, crazy isn't quite the right word. Training has completely changed my life. It is all that I do. I am asleep even earlier than usual, often before 9:00, training around 12 - 15 hours a week right now, it goes up to 20 at some point, I don't even know how it is humanly possible to work full time, commute over an hour a day, get the workouts in and still have some kind of life. The life part is pretty much non-existant. I have been so exhausted when my eyes blink they want to stay shut. Also, exercise used to give me energy and now I'm just super, super tired. It all sounds bad, but I actually am enjoying parts of it, but also miss having time to do other things. I also don't drink anymore, which is weird. I mean, I'll have a glass of wine every now and then, but that's it. Very strange, I think of everything in terms of training. I was laughing this weekend because I was on my trainer for 3 hours and then had to do a 30 minute run and was thinking on the run that I'm not sure how I'll managae the bike ride without a movie to watch or tv shows... I'm sure I'll work it out! I'm really looking forward to the week in Nice AFTER the race.

This weekend was nice, went and saw King's Speech, to a BBQ at a friend's house and then spent half of Sunday drinking a latte, then having a snack and then another coffee at Starbucks with Steve. NOTHING is open on Sundays, wasn't quite sure what to do with ourselves. And, it was my day off training... I've also been baking obsessively, I made up a recipe for double chocolate cookies and they were delicious, but I won't be able to recreate it I'm sure, oh well.

Now, back to work and counting down the days till our next break, we have a bit of a stretch. Some fun things coming up though, Cirque de Solei this weekend, Steph's birthday dinner the next weekend, and hopefully it will start to get sunny again soon...